Sky News Interviews Vicky about her book, UNDIVIDED

19 June 2018

Sky News interviewed Vicky about her book, UNDIVIDED, on their morning show Sunrise. They discussed her story and the tensions that exist between being gay and Christian.

Plus, they discussed this week’s interview with her in the Sunday Times where Vicky spoke out about her decision not to change career and enter the priesthood. Vicky feels the current situation in the Church of England is too unsafe for LGBTQ people and may cause damage to her mental health as it has to many LGBTQ priests who exist under the current tensions of inequality. To become a priest in the CofE, ordinands must agree to live by teachings that same-sex marriage is unsuitable for clergy and that they must remain completely celibate. They are also unable to conduct same-sex marriages for others within church services. If priests step outside these lines, church ‘disciplinary measures’ are taken.

Vicky has, in the past, considered entering the priesthood one day, but feels the discriminatory environment would be too painful to work in at the moment until major changes take place in church teachings and practice.